

Fast and secure technology for global digital commerce: With commercetools you can easily handle even complex business models, using its highly scalable, modern cloud infrastructure.

commercetools Webshop Solution
commercetools Mobile Commerce Solution

Mobile Commerce

With commercetools’ “headless” approach, you can quickly create Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) and native apps for iOS and Android, building inspiring shopping experiences for any mobile device.


The Internet of Things connects a wide variety of devices. Simply integrate buy buttons, connected cars, smart home applications and many more, thanks to the flexible commercetools API.

commercetools IoT Solution
commercetools Chatbots Solution


Chatbots are increasingly being integrated into digital offerings to help customers with their automated processes. Thanks to its flexible API, these intelligent helpers can communicate directly with the commercetools platform.


Become a platform provider with commercetools: Create your digital marketplace, integrate third-party vendors and offer millions of products through our scalable cloud platform.

commercetools Marketplace Solution
commercetools Social Commerce Solution

Social Commerce Solution

This solution helps you distribute your products through popular social media channels. Present your products on Facebook, Pinterest, etc. with a few clicks and turn fans and followers into customers.

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Augmented Reality

Speaking instead of clicking and typing: With voice assistants like Alexa, you can make ordering even more comfortable for your customers – with the flexible commercetools API.

commercetools Augmented Reality Solution

More Details on our Solutions?

If you want to get more details on our commerce solutions, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us.

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